Vitamin Drips
Skin Vitality Drips
An anti ageing vitamin drip that aids in the removal of blemishes and helps with pigmentation, promoting a glowing skin.
This drip is loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C.
Other excellent benefits are the promotion of collagen, increased iron absorption and additiinal immune support.
Each session takes approximately 30 minutes.
Cost R1000
Immune Boster Drip
Containing Vit C, Magnesium, Zinc and antioxidants, this drip supports your Immune system. It enhances recovery l, especially post covid and improves fatigue.
Each session takes approximately 30 minutes.
Cost R950
Athlete Immune Support Drips
Containing Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, vitamin B12 and Glutathione.
Designed for endurance athletes, this drip has the following effects:
– strengthens muscle tone and enhances endurance.
– reduces muscle tension
– boosts energy levels and helps to support the Immune system
– improves muscle recovery
The session takes approximately 30 minutes.
Cost R950
Iron Drips
This drip is specifically for those with an iron deficiency- up to 50% of women are infact iron deficient.
This drip is preceeded by a doctors assessment and blood testing and depending on the results, 1 to 3 IV drip infusions are scheduled.
A follow up assessment to evaluate the casuse of the iron deficiency as well as maintenance therapy is then performed.