Clinical Psychologist, Mary Rogers
Mary Rogers is a Clinical Psychologist and a registered BWRT practitioner.
What is BWRT? (click for more info)
Mary has a passion for understanding and managing depression, anxiety and the damaging effects of traumatic memories. She offers face to face & on-line therapy as well as Unique Nature Therapy Day Retreat experiences. (click here for further info).
“Life can often feel so lonely. Like our ‘joy-dial’ is turned down, or a heaviness is weighing us down, making it feel almost impossible to feel a real sense of joy and excitement. At times it feels like there’s a tightness in the stomach or like we don’t even know WHAT we actually feel at all!! If this is how you feel, you are not alone – come in and let’s chat.”
“Having someone help you doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It just means you’re not alone.”
Areas dealt with include:
- Anxiety and depression: gaining control of and reducing the impact of stress on your life,
- Dealing with traumatic and difficult life experiences and memories
- Phobias and fears
- Becoming the person you really want to be – letting go of the past
- Understanding yourself better
- Discovering and nurturing your inner child
- Improving relationships with others: Couples, parent/child, teenager, family, friends etc
- Teenage pressures and issues
- Coping with illness or disability related stresses
- Preparing for death and end of life issues
- Grieving / coping with loss
- Dealing with abuse or unhappy childhood experiences
- Attaining physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and peace
Mary and her husband have been married for 29 years and they are blessed to have two beautiful daughters. While Mary devotes much of her time to her patients and her family, some of her favourite moments are spent in nature. She loves to sit quietly…, just to listen.., to watch.., to feel and… to reflect Peace from above.
Nature Therapy Day Retreats provide the perfect combination of soothing the nervous system, feeding the soul and filling the mind with creative wonder and awe. It taps into our innate yearning for adventure and provides a safe place for creative exploration and guidance. For further information click here