For many this may bring back unpleasant memories or a feeling of dread for another pregnancy. However here are some useful tips on navigating morning sickness as comfortably as possible.

Morning sickness is related to a rise in the bHCG hormone levels which are highest in the first few weeks of pregnancy. As these levels taper off in the Morning sickness seems to be worse in those who have an underlying sensitivity to motion sickness or sensitive stomachs (that are prone to nausea and vomiting with stress/medications/operations).
Roughly 70% of pregnant moms will have nausea and 50% vomiting, and you may be one of the fortunate ones.

But if not here are some practical steps that really help:
1) Knowing that this is a normal part of a healthy pregnancy & knowing that it will pass is an enormous help in navigating this early stage. Don’t worry if you lose a little weight, as long as you’ve been eating sensibly before falling pregnant you will be fine, and you will pick up more weight in the later months.
2) Eat frequent small meals to keep the blood sugar levels up.
3) Stick to bland carb rich foods like crackers, plain crisps or vegetable crisps. Cold foods may have less aroma and therefore be more palatable.
4) Staying hydrated helps, good ideas are Rehydrate, Energade, ginger tea or flat coke. Again small sips little and often is best. Ginger is also brilliant at easing digestion and helping with nausea.
5) Rest is key as this is when energy levels are lowest, and taking it easy helps combat the nausea.
6) Carry a spare toothbrush and toothpaste with you, it helps make you feel fresh and presentable after an awkward oops and the mint can also settle a queasy tummy.
7) If you are really battling there are some medications that are safe in pregnancy and your Gynae will best be able to advise you.
8) Finally watch out for dehydration. This is rare but if you are finding you are battling to tolerate any fluids and continuously vomiting to the point where your urine output has dramatically decreased and you are feeling faint and light headed, please seek medical help and see your GP. You may need IV fluids or a short stay in hospital to get over the symptoms.
9)Hang in there, distract yourself with the joy of your coming baby, and know that this too shall pass…

Thank you to Dr Susan Ford for the contribution.

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