by Bronwen Matthews | Feb 12, 2021 | Living Healthy Lives
Thank you to Dr Simone for the submission.
by Bronwen Matthews | Jan 10, 2020 | Living Healthy Lives
For many this may bring back unpleasant memories or a feeling of dread for another pregnancy. However here are some useful tips on navigating morning sickness as comfortably as possible. Morning sickness is related to a rise in the bHCG hormone levels which are...
by Bronwen Matthews | Jan 7, 2020 | Living Healthy Lives
1) Calculate when your due date is and how far along you are. There are so many online calculators and Apps to make this simple and easy. Its also incredible to be able to see at each week how your baby is growing and developing, it makes it all so real and...
by Bronwen Matthews | Nov 16, 2019 | Living Healthy Lives
The festive season is soon upon us and while it’s a great time to relax and unwind, its sometimes easy to let those drinks just add up a little to a bit beyond our comfort or safe zones. It may be quite sobering to realise just how much alcohol is safe and recommend....
by Bronwen Matthews | Aug 1, 2019 | Living Healthy Lives
We all know someone who snores and have all at some point been kept awake by it. But while we feel like we’re the only ones suffering a poor nights sleep, the person snoring is also likely to suffer a poor night’s sleep as well . The prevalence of habitual...
by Bronwen Matthews | Jul 10, 2019 | Living Healthy Lives
Traditionally a normal blood pressure (BP) has been cited as 120/80 but it is in fact more of a range that we consider normal, between 140/90 being the upper limit and requiring monitoring and lifestyle changes, and 90/60 being the lower limit which may make one prone...
by Bronwen Matthews | Apr 1, 2019 | Living Healthy Lives
Hay fever – or allergic rhinitis, as it is also known – is characterised by inflammation of the nasal airways, which occurs when an allergen – something to which the sufferer’s immune system is especially sensitised – is inhaled and causes a type of allergic reaction....