In light of Womens month – we are tackling the subject of menopause again as it is a hot topic at FEMINA HEALTH.

Menopause – This is the time in every womans life marked by a decrease in reproductive hormones. Periods become less regular and then stop altogether. The average age that menopause occurs is 51, but it usually occurs from age 45-55.

Symptoms of menopause can include irregular or missed periods, hot flushes, mood changes, weight gain, reduced libido and changes in sleeping patterns. The vast majority of people will navigate these changes well and for those that are struggling there are management options, including lifestyle changes and importantly both hormonal or non hormonal treatments are available.

If you are looking at hormonal management or HRT as its often known, there are varying options depending on your medical needs.  It varies in format between patches twice weekly or daily pills, and many come in different strengths to enable us to be adjust your medication up or down in response to the symptoms.

If you notice any of these symptoms and you fall within the 45 to 55 age group, do make an appointment for us to run some blood tests to help confirm if you are experiencing menopause. We can assist with some helpful ways of managing this season of our lives with grace and confidence.

Our aim is to individualise treatment for each woman to match her own particular circumstances and needs.
Contributor: Dr Susan Ford – Medical Doctor
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