We’re often asked what we should keep  at home in case of emergencies.

Here is a list of common OTC medications to keep in your medicine cupboard at home. Many times these can bring relief of symptoms and may even prevent you having to see a doctor. Keep the boxes with the instructions inside, especially in the case of children where you need to pay attention to their age or weight. It will also often advise you on if/ when to seek a doctors help.

It’s important to go through your medicine cabinet regularly and replace any expired items. Also make sure no one in your family has any allergies or adverse reactions to anything listed here before medicating them.

1) Panado/Calpol- (paracetamol) tablets and syrup, for pain and fever
2) Nurofen (Ibuprofen) tablets and syrup for pain fever and inflammation and Period pains
3) Buscopan (hyoscine) for gastrointestinal cramps or period pains
4) Valoid tablets, syrup and/or suppositories for nausea and vomiting
5) Immodium (loperamide) Tablets for diarrhoea
6) Smecta sachets/pectrolyte for diarrhoea
7) Rehydrate/ Energade rehydration fluid
8)Telfast syrup or tablets for allergic reactions and allergies
9) Corenza para – Paracetamol based decongestant for colds
10) Prospan cough syrup
11) Rennies/Gaviscon for heartburn
12) Rescue drops for stress
13) Burnshield for the treatment of burns
14) Systane/refresh lubricating eye drops for dry itchy eyes
15) Throat lozenges for sore throats
16) Savlon for cleaning wounds
17) Bactroban for small skin infections
18) Plasters and a bandage for cuts and scrapes

Contributor: Dr Susan Ford.

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